During Navratri, the worship of Maa Durga is done with true heart, and with this worship, the goddess becomes very happy and fulfills all the wishes of the devotees. In the nine days of the Navratri festival, the second day is dedicated to Maa Brahmacharini, the celibate form of Maa Durga. Brahmacharini Mata is depicted as a goddess walking barefoot, holding a Japa Mala (rosary) in her right hand and a Kamandalu (water pot) in her left hand.
The second day of Shardiya Navratri is dedicated to the second form of Shakti known as Brahmacharini Mata. She is also known as the Goddess of Renunciation. She is holding a kamandal in one hand and a rosary in the other hand, showing the path of renunciation to all the seekers.
On the second day of Navratri, the worship of Mata Brahmacharini has great importance and this year the second day of Navratri is on the 4th of October.
Dwitiya Tithi Starts on 4th of October at 02:58 AM.
Dwitiya Tithi Ends on 5th of October at 0530 AM.
By worshipping Mata Brahmacharini on the second day of Navratri, devotees get freedom from all hateful thoughts and awaken Kundalini Shakti in the human body, due to which their life becomes more successful and they can face any kind of obstacles easily.
Know more about, Navratri Day-1 Puja Importance
What Bhog Should be Offered to Mata Brahmacharini and Her Beej Mantra?
On this day, offer a special Bhog to Mata Brahmacharini is very much essential. You can offer white sweets or misri to the Goddess. You can also make cashew barfi at home to offer Goddess Brahmacharini.
You must chant Maa Brahmacharini Beej Mantra on this day.
Maa Brahmacharini Beej Mantra – ह्रीं श्री अम्बिकायै नम:
Learn more about, What to Eat and Not to Eat During Navratri
To perform traditional and spiritually fulfilling worship on the second day of Navratri, certain Puja samagri are required. Here is the list of essential items:
- White cloth
- White Flower like Jasmine and lotus
- Milk, curd, ghee, honey and sugar for Panchamrit
- Seasonal fruits
- White sweets like kheer, cashew barfi, etc.
- Roli, Kumkum, Chandan and Haldi to offer Tilak to the Goddess
- Incense stick, diya, camphor
- Akshat (Unbroken rice)
- Jaap Mala
- Ganga jal
- Red thread
- Betel leaves
- Aarti Thali
- First of all, after finishing your daily routine, take a bath and wear clean and tidy clothes.
- Since the altar is established on the first day, do not sweep the place of worship before immersion.
- Clean the puja mandap and remove all the flowers offered at the post day and sprinkle Ganga Jal.
- After this, take a seat at the place of worship and light the lamp and incense stick and start worshipping the Goddess.
- First offer kumkum tilak to Lord Ganesha and then Goddess Brahmacharini, also apply kumkum, haldi and akshat tilak to Kalash.
- Now bow to Lord Ganesha by chanting “ॐ गं गणपतये नमः” 11 times and then “ॐ देवी ब्रह्मचारिण्यै नमः” to invoke Mata Brahmacharini through this mantra.
- Burn cow dung cakes in a dhupdan, add frankincense, guggal, camphor or ghee to it and offer incense to the Mother Goddess, and then show this incense to the entire house for positive energy.
- As per your capacity chant the Narvana mantra “ऊं ऐं ह्रीं क्लीं चामुण्डाऐ विच्चे” 11, 21, 51, 108 times.
- Now offer sweets made up of milk or mishri or any white sweets and panchamrit to the Goddess.
- Perform Aarti of Maa Brahmacharini and conclude your puja by distributing prasad to everyone and then take a prasad yourself.
You may also read, The Importance of Durga Puja
Story of Mata Brahmacharini (Both in Hindi and English)
दुर्गा जी की नौ शक्तियों में दूसरा स्वरूप ब्रह्मचारिणी का है। नवरात्रि में दूसरे दिन माँ ब्रह्मचारिणी की पूजा की जाती है। ब्रह्मचारिणी नाम में ‘ब्रह्म’ शब्द का अर्थ तपस्या है। इस प्रकार ब्रह्मचारिणी का अर्थ तप की चारिणी अर्थात तप का आचरण करने वाली। कहा भी है- वेदस्तत्त्वं तपो ब्रह्म-वेद, तत्त्व और तप ‘ब्रा’ शब्द के अर्थ हैं। ब्रह्मचारिणी देवी का स्वरूप अत्यन्त भव्य एवं पूर्ण ज्योतिर्मय है। देवी ब्रह्मचारिणी के बायें हाथ में कमण्डल और दाहिने हाथ में तपस्या के लिए माला है। अपने पूर्व जन्म में जब ये हिमालय राज के घर पुत्री के रूप में उत्पन्न हुई थी तब नारद जी द्वारा दिये उपदेश से इन्होंने भगवान् शंकर जी को पति रूप में प्राप्त करने के लिये अत्यन्त कठोर तपस्या की। इसी कठोर तपस्या के कारण इन्हें ब्रह्मचारिणी नाम से जाना गया।
मॉ एक हजार साल केवल फल-मूल खाकर तपस्या की थी। फिर सौ सालों तक केवल शाक खाकर जीवन यापन किया। बहुत दिनों तक कठोर उपवास करते हुए खुले आकाश के नीचे बारिस और धूप में भयंकर कष्ट सह किये इतनी कठोर तपस्या करने के बाद तीन हजार सालों तक मॉ ने केवल पेडो से धरती पर टूटकर गिरे हुए बेलपत्रों को खाकर वह भगवान् शंकर की पूजा अर्चना करती रहीं। फिर कुछ समय के पश्चात उन्होंने पेड से गिरे सूखे बेलपत्रों को भी खाना बन्द कर दिया। इस प्रकार हजारों सालो तक उन्होने बिना कुछ खाये और बिना कुछ पिये कठोर तपस्या करती रहीं। पत्तों को भी खाना छोड़ देने के कारण उनका एक नाम ‘अपर्णा’ भी पड़ गया।
इस प्रकार हजारो से कठोर तपस्या करने के कारण देवी ब्रह्मचारिणी के पूर्व जन्म का शरीर दूबला पतला और एकदम क्षीण हो गया। उनकी यह निर्बल दशा देखकर उनकी माता मैना को बहुत दुख हुआ। माता मैना ने उनकी इस कठोर तपस्या से बाहर निकालने के लिए उन्हे आवाज दी ‘उमा’, अरे! नहीं, ओ! नहीं!’ तभी से ब्रह्मचारिणी देवी को ‘उमा’ नाम से जाना गया।
देवी को इस तरह कठोर तपस्या करते देख तीनों लोकों में हाहाकार मच गया। देवता, ऋषि, मुनि और पुण्य आत्माये सभी देवी ब्रह्मचारिणी की तपस्या की प्रशंसा करने लगे कि ऐसी तपस्या करना बहुत ही पुण्य कर्म है और आज से पहले किसी ने भी इतनी कठोर तपस्या नही की है। और अन्त में ब्रह्मा जी ने आकाश में प्रकट होकर देवी ब्रह्मचारिणी से बहुत प्रसन्न होकर कहा कि ‘हे देवि! आज तक किसी ने भी इतनी कठोर तपस्या नहीं की है। इतनी कठोर तपस्या करना तो केवल तुम्हीं से सम्भव है। देवी तुम्हारे इस परम पवित्र और अलौकिक कार्य की चर्चा चोरों दिशाओ मे हो रही है। तुम्हारी मनोकामना अवश्य पूर्ण होगी। भगवान् शंकर से ही तुम्हारा विवाह होगा और वही तुम्हें पति रूप प्राप्त होंगे। अब तुम तपस्या को खत्म कर अपने घर लौट जाओ। बहुत जल्द तुम्हारे पिता तुम्हें बापस घर ले जाने आ रहे हैं।
The second form among the nine powers of Goddess Durga is Mata Brahmacharini. The meaning of Brahmacharini is one who practices penance. It is also said that Vedastattvam Tapo Brahma-Veda, Tattva and Tapa are the meanings of the word ‘Brah’. The form of Brahmacharini Devi is very grand and full of light. She has a kamandal in her left hand and a rosary for penance in her right hand.
In her previous birth, when she was born as a daughter of a King Himalaya, she followed the advice of Narad ji and performed a very rigorous penance to get Lord Shankar as her husband. Due to this harsh penance, she came to be known as Brahmacharini. She performed penance for thousands of years by eating only fruits and vegetables.
Then she lives only on vegetables for a hundred years. After observing a strict fast for many days and enduring hardship in the sun and rain under the open sky, the mother continued worshiping Lord Shankar by eating only the leaves that fell from the tree on the earth. Then after some time, she stopped eating and in this way, she continued performing rigorous penance without eating and drinking anything. As she stopped eating, she also got the name “Aparna”.
Due to thousands of penances, the body of the Goddess Brahmacharini became thin and weak. By seeing her condition, her mother Maina felt very sad and called her Uma and since then she is also known by the name “Uma”.
Seeing the goddess’ harsh penance, there was an uproar in all three worlds. Gods, sages and virtuous souls all started praising the penance of Goddess Brahmacharini that doing such penance is a very virtuous act and no one has ever done such a harsh penance before and at last Lord, Brahma appeared in the sky and was very pleased with Goddess Brahmacharini and said to her that no one has performed such penance before.
Performing such penance is possible only by her and this is the most sacred and supernatural work of yours is being discussed in all directions. He blessed her and said that her wish would definitely be fulfilled and she would get married only to Lord Shankar. And asked her to finish her penance and return to her home as her father was coming to take her back.
Aarti of Maa Brahmacharini
ॐ जय ब्रह्मचारिणी मां, मैया जय ब्रह्मचारिणी मां जन-जन की उद्धारिणी, जन-जन की उद्धारिणी, चरणों में हमें रखना ॐ जय ब्रह्मचारिणी मां ।।
माला धारणी मैया, जो जन तुम्हें ध्याता मैया जो जन तुम्हें ध्याता ज्ञान ध्यान बढ़ जावे ज्ञान ध्यान बढ़ जावे सिद्धि नर पाता ॐ जय ब्रह्मचारिणी मां ।।
अष्ट कमण्डल सोहे भक्तों की प्यारी मैया भक्तों की प्यारी तपस्विनी है मैया तपस्विनी है मैया सेवक नर नारी ॐ जय ब्रह्मचारिणी मां ।।
साधक सिद्धि पावे मां कल्याण करे मैया मां कल्याण करे निज भक्तों की मैया निज भक्तों की मैया नित उद्धार करे ॐ जय ब्रह्मचारिणी मां ।।
श्वेत वस्त्र है न्यारा ऋषि मुनि हर्षावे मैया ऋषि मुनि हर्षावे त्याग और संयम बढ़ता त्याग और संयम बढ़ता जो मां को ध्यावे ॐ जय ब्रह्मचारिणी मां ।।
पूजा जो नित करता ज्ञान सदा पावे मैया ज्ञान सदा पावे अज्ञान तिमिर को मिटावे अज्ञान तिमिर को मिटावे चरणों निज आवे ॐ जय ब्रह्मचारिणी मां ।।
द्वितीय नवरात्रों में पूजा मां की करो पूजा मां की करो शक्ति स्वरूपा मां के शक्ति स्वरूपा मां के चरणों का ध्यान करो ॐ जय ब्रह्मचारिणी मां ।।
योगियों के मन में मां सदा निवास करें मैया सदा निवास करें साधक कष्ट मिटावे साधक कष्ट मिटावे मां भव पार करे ॐ जय ब्रह्मचारिणी मां ।।
ब्रह्मचारिणी मां की आरती जो भी करे मैया आरती जो भी करे ज्योतिर्मय जीवन हो ज्योतिर्मय जीवन हो मां से दुख टरे ॐ जय ब्रह्मचारिणी मां ।।