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Complete Guide of Navratri Day-1 Puja

Shailputri, Brahmacharini, Chandraghanta, Kushmanda, Skandamata, Katyayani, Kalaratri, Mahagauri, and Siddhidatri, are the nine forms of Mother Durga which are worshipped during the nine days of Navratri. Navratri is the festival of worship of Shakti. This is the time when every seeker wants to leave the evil energies of the world and keep themselves only in the worship of Goddess Durga. By worshipping Durga Mata wholeheartedly every work of the devotees gets accomplished and being pleased with your worship. 

The puja starts on the first day of Navaratri when Mata Shaiputri is also worshipped along with Maa Durga. Let’s start with the importance, the worship method and complete information related to the first day of Navaratri.

Importance of the First Day of Navaratri

The first day of Navaratri, the great ritual of devotion to Adishakti Maa Durga, is completely dedicated to Mata Shailputri. On this day, devotees worship Goddess Shailputri by symbolizing the strength, purity and power of nature. The day represents the new beginning, also the day of Kalash Sthapana, a ritual that invokes the goddess’s energy into the home and grounding oneself in discipline and devotion by preparing for the spiritual journey and blessing that follow during Navratri. 

The form of Mother Shailputri has been described as similar to the moon in the scriptures. The half-moon in the golden crown on the mother’s head enhances her beauty. She rides on a bull, hence she is also called Vrisharudha. 

Auspicious Time on the First Day of Navaratri

Worship of Maa Durga on the first day of Navratri is considered very important. There is a tradition that on this day Ghatasthapana/ Kalash Sthapana is performed, which lasts for nine days. 

This year the Partipada Tithi will start on 3rd October 2024, Thursday at 11:24 PM and it will end on 4th October 2024, Friday at 02:58 AM. 

The Muhurat of Ghatasthapana/ Kalash Sthapana this year will be on 3rd October 2024, from 05:51 AM to 06:56 AM whereas Abhijit Ghatsthapana Muhurat will be from 11:23 AM to 12:10 PM on 3rd October 2024, wherein Kanya lagan starts from 05:51 AM and ends at 06:56 AM. 

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Benefits of Maa Shailputri Puja

Maa Durga in her Mata Shailputri form had performed an extremely difficult penance and obtained Mahadev as her husband. Therefore, it is believed that by worshipping Maa Shailputri on Pratipada tithi, girls get the best groom and also get the blessings of a successful married life. 

According to religious texts, the planet moon is also ruled by Mata Shailputri. Hence it is believed that by worshipping her, any bad effects of the moon can be warded off and the mind of the seeker becomes concentrated like a “rock”, which strengthens the thoughts and self-confidence. 

Puja Samagri for Kalash Sthapana on Paratipada Tithi/ First Day of Navaratri

The worship material for the Pratipada tithi is known as “Puja Samagri”, which is required to conduct the rituals properly.

  1. A Kalash filled with Ganga Jal, mango leaves and a coconut placed on the top, which symbolizes the presence of the Goddess. 
  2. Red Thread to tie around the Kalash
  3. Idol or picture of Maa Shailputri (If you don’t have a picture of Maa Shailputri then you can take a picture of Maa Durga in which nine forms of mother are visible).
  4. A red or yellow cloth to decorate the Goddess
  5. Fresh flowers, seasonal fruits and Bilva leaves
  6. Milk, curd, honey, Ghee, and Sugar for Panchamirit.
  7. Incense stick or dhoop for fragrance and a diya with ghee or oil and camphor to light during the puja.
  8. Roli, kumkum, sindoor and haldi for marking the Kalash or idol.
  9. Akshat is offered to the goddess during the prayer.
  10. Sweets or Prasad for the deity.
  11. Water for abhishek

Vidhi for Kalash Sthapana on Paratipada Tithi/ First Day of Navaratri

The step-by-step vidhi for Kalash Sthapana on the first day of Navaratri:

  1. Begin by cleaning the home and the area where the Puja will be performed and take a bath to purify yourself before starting the puja.
  2. Place a clean red or yellow cloth on the altar, set an idol or picture of the Goddess on it and arrange Kalash for Ghat Sthapana.
  3. Fill the Kalash with clean water or Ganga jal, place mango leaves around the neck of the Kalash, place a coconut wrapped with red cloth on top of the Kalash and tie a red thread around the neck of the Kalash.
  4. Position the Kalash on a bed of rice or soil with barley seeds, this marks the innovation of Goddess energy into the Kalash. 
  5. Light a diya and incense in front of the Goddess, asking for strength, health and blessings.
  6. Chant the mantra – ॐ देवी शैलपुत्र्यै नमः॥ Om Devi Shailaputryai Namah॥
  7. Offer flowers, fruits, and sweets in front of the goddess, sprinkle akshat on the goddess’s image, and apply kumkum, roli, and haldi to the Kalash or idol.
  8. Offer Panchamrit (mixture of Milk, curd, ghee, honey and sugar) to the Goddess.
  9. Light camphor to perform aarti, and sing the Navaratri Aarti devotional song dedicated to Maa Shailputri.
  10. After aarti, recite Durga Saptasathi and Durga Chalisa to deepen your devotion.
  11. Conclude by sprinkling holy water on yourself and around the home. 
  12. Distribute the prasad to the family members and devotees.

Note – If you are on a fast, follow the dietary restrictions and consume Prasad as a part of your Prasad. 

Know more about, 9 devi names and images and favourite colour

What Bhog Should be Offer to Maa Shailputri?

On the first day of Navaratri, offer pure cow’s ghee or product made with it along with the ritual worship of the Mother Goddess. By doing this, the devotees get freedom from all suffering and diseases. You can also make almond pudding on this day.

Maa Shaila Putri

Story of Mata Shailputri (Both in Hindi and English)

शिव महापुराण के अनुसार, एक बार प्रजापति दक्ष ने एक बहुत बड़े यज्ञ का आयोजन किया था । इस यज्ञ में उन्होंने सभी देवी-देवताओं एवं ऋषियों को अपना यज्ञ-भाग प्राप्त करने के लिए निमंत्रित किया। किंतु उन्होंने इस यज्ञ में अपने दामाद अर्थात शिवजी को आमंत्रित नहीं किया। जब यह समाचार माता सती ने सुना कि उनके पिता एक अत्यंत विशाल यज्ञ का अनुष्ठान कर रहे हैं, तो माता सती का मन भी उस यज्ञ में शामिल होने के लिए व्याकुल हो उठा।

इसके बाद माता सती ने यज्ञ में चलने के लिए शिव जी से आग्रह किया तब शिव जी ने उत्तर दिया कि इस यज्ञ में समस्त देवी-देवताओं एवं ऋषियों को निमंत्रित किया गया है। किंतु हमें यज्ञ-भाग हेतु बुलावा नहीं भेजा गया है। ऐसी स्थिति में बिना निमंत्रण के हमारा वहां जाना उचित नहीं है।

किंतु शंकरजी के इन विचारों से माता सती सहमत नहीं हुई और पिता के यज्ञ का हिस्सा बनने के लिए उस आयोजन में पहुंच गई। लेकिन पिता प्रजापति दक्ष ने उनके उस आयोजन में आने की उपेक्षा की, तथा शिव जी के लिए अपमानजनक शब्दों का प्रयोग किया। अपने पिता द्वारा अपने पति का यह अपमान देखकर माता सती का मन पश्चाताप, क्षोभ एवं क्रोध से भर उठा, और वह इस दुर्व्यवहार को सहन नहीं कर सकी। उन्होंने उसी क्षण योगाग्नि द्वारा स्वयं को भस्म कर लिया।

इसके बाद अपने अगले जन्म में माता सती ने ही पर्वतराज हिमालय की पुत्री के रूप में जन्म लिया। इस बार वे ‘शैलपुत्री’ के नाम से विख्यात हुर्ईं। माता सती के समान ही माँ शैलपुत्री महादेव शिव की अर्धांगिनी बनीं।

According to Shiva Mahapuran, once Prajapati Daksh had organized a huge yagya. In this yagya, he invited all the gods, goddesses and sages but he did not invite his son-in-law, Lord Shiva in this yagya. When Mother Sati heard the news that her father was performing a huge yagya, she became anxious to participate in that yagya.

After this, Mother Sati requested Lord Shiva to attend the yagya, then Lord Shiva replied that all the gods, goddesses and sages had been invited to this yagya, but we have not been invited to participate in the Yagya. In such a situation, it is not suitable for us to go there without an invitation.

But Mother Sati did not agree with these thoughts of Shankarji and reached that event to be a part of her father’s yagya. However, her father Prajapati Daksh ignored her coming to that event and used disrespectful words for Lord Shiva. Seeing this insult to her husband by her father, Mother Sati’s mind was filled with remorse and anger and she could not tolerate this misbehaviour. At that very moment, she burnt herself in the fire of Yagya. 

After this, in her next birth, Mother Sati herself was born as the daughter of mountain king Himalaya. This time she became famous by the name of ‘Shailputri’. Like Mother Sati, she became the better half of Mahadev Shiva.

For more information about, Maha Ashtami 2024 Date, Puja & Rituals

Aarti of Mata Shailputri

ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ, मैया जय शैलपुत्री माँ, सर्व सुखों की दात्री, देना माँ करुणा,

ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ, ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ, मैया जय शैलपुत्री माँ ॥

सर्व सुखों की दात्री देना माँ करुणा, ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ ॥

हस्त कमल अति सोहे त्रिशूलधारिणी माँ, मैया त्रिशूलधारिणी माँ,

शीश झुकावें हम सब कृपा माँ नित करना, ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ मैया जय शैलपुत्री माँ ॥

दक्षराज सुता मैया कष्ट निवारणी माँ, मैया कष्ट निवारणी माँ,

नवदुर्गाओं में प्रथम तुम्हारी है पूजा, ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ,  मैया जय शैलपुत्री माँ ॥

वृषभ पे मैया विराजे शीश मुकुट सोहे, मैया शीश मुकुट सोहे,

ऋषि मुनि नर गुण गावें, ऋषि मुनि नर गुण गावें, छवि अति मन मोहे ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ ॥

घट घट व्यापनी माता, सुख तुमसे आवे मैया सुख तुमसे आवे,

जो कोई ध्यावे मन से जो कोई ध्यावे मन से इच्छित फल पावे, ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ ॥

भक्तों के मन में मैया तुम्हरा नित है निवास, मैया तुम्हरा नित है निवास, 

रिद्धि सिद्धि प्रदात्री, रिद्धि सिद्धि प्रदात्री तुमसे है दिव्य प्रकाश, ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ ॥

नवरात्रों में जो भी व्रत माता का करे, जो भी व्रत माता का करे आनंद नित वो पावे, आनंद नित वो पावे माँ भंडार भरे, ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ ॥

हम सब तुम्हरे मैया, तुम हमरी माता, मैया तुम हमरी माता,

दया दृष्टि माँ करना, दया दृष्टि माँ करना हम करें जगराता, ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ ॥

शैलपुत्री माँ की आरती जो जन नित गावे, सुख की बद्री बरसे मन नित हर्षावे, ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ ॥

ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ मैया जय शैलपुत्री माँ, सर्व सुखों की दात्री देना माँ करुणा, ॐ जय शैलपुत्री माँ ॥

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